Text-to-speech (TTS)

Increase IVR Solutions Efficiency with Text to Speech

When you want to personalize an interactive voice response (IVR) dialogue with customers, it’s almost impossible to record every possible message combination. Greeting customers by their name? Informing customers of why their plane has been delayed? Letting customers know the name of the person who signed for the parcel they sent? Process online transactions, bill payments, account balances, inventory, flight information, etc.

Text to speech (TTS) is a software component that integrates with the IVR solution. TTS allows you to create a real-time link between text-based content in your database and a customer awaiting an immediate reply. TTS can read any text outloud without knowing the vocabulary, the names, the numbers or codes contained in the text. This technology is mature; it has been validated by market deployments and is already largely used in telephony services provided by carriers and enterprises alike.

TTS IVR applications have grown past the robotic sounding voice from the 90s. It’s now so close to the human voice that it’s difficult to distinguish the difference.

Benefits of Using Text-to-speech IVR

  • ‍Reduce costs: Cuts the cost of voice-driven applications by reducing or eliminating the need for prerecorded prompts
  • Drive revenue: Customers are able to buy products and services over the phone more easily while customer service agents can be redeployed as sales representatives, take advantage of upsell and cross-sell opportunities
  • Improve satisfaction: Improve customer satisfaction by providing personalization to your phone system and by eliminating frustrating lengthy menus. Improve agent satisfaction by offloading repetitive tasks
  • Differentiate yourself from the competition: Provide a better customer experience than your competitors and ensure your brand is consistent across all channels including the phone
  • Add flexibility and speed to service of automated applications
  • Increase caller efficiency: Reduce complexities, intelligent menus, business processes
  • Even limited vocabulary routines, like amounts, numbers and dates, can benefit from TTS because it allows additions to the applications at a later date quickly with the same voice, maintaining your corporate personality
  • Operational efficiency: Increase first call resolution, increase IVR containment, reduce average handle time
  • Brand identification: Create a signature voice for your company´s telephony applications by creating a custom voice
  • Proactive communication: Instead of waiting for customers to call your company, outbound solutions allow you to proactively reach out to customers through a variety of channels and applications
  • Customer self-service/automation in contact centers: Clients have experienced an inbound call automation level of 20 to 70%, depending on the business segment when introducing TTS while significantly increasing user satisfaction due to the flexibility and availability of the system

Building powerful TTS IVR applications with Pronexus VBVoice™ will increase caller and operational efficiency and satisfaction.